Greetings to anyone reading this post! As you can see by the title, this is my very first blog post (Hopefully the first of many). Its 1:15 in the morning, so this one will be short and sweet! I will begin my daily blog postings later today! I appreciate any of you that are taking the time to come here and see my thoughts. I hope everyone has a blessed day!




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About Me

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Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States
If your subscribing to my blog, then most of you know me already! If not, stick around and I'm sure you will find out all you need to know.


About this blog

This is something I was inspired to do by a friend of mine, who is also a blogger. So many thoughts run through my head in a days time. Thoughts ranging from our Christian walk with God, to life's little details. Each day I will add my thoughts and opinions on random subjects that I find to be interesting and important, or perhaps even boring and irrelevant. :)

My thoughts might range from thoughtful and inspirational, to dull and boring, but that's for you to decide! Thanks in advance for following, and may God bless you.